
Check is curl installed in your system (for Debian)

apt update
apt install -y curl


Download binary file and set execute permission. On the server you may use next command:

curl -Lo /usr/bin/astra
chmod +x /usr/bin/astra

A valid license file is required to run Astra.
Follow this guide to install the license
If you don't have a license, purchase one or request a demo.

After installation, register service in the systemd - system service manager in most Linux distributions:

astra init

Launch Astra:

systemctl start astra

After start web-interface will be available on: http://server-address:8000. Default login and password: admin

By the default, for web-interface and control Astra used port 8000, you may define any port:

astra init 4000

Enable automatically launch on system startup:

systemctl enable astra

Process management

Command to manage process with systemd:

  • systemctl start astra - start
  • systemctl stop astra - stop
  • systemctl restart astra - restart
  • systemctl enable astra - turn autorun on
  • systemctl disable astra - turn autorun off

Check version

After installation or after update you may check installed version:

astra -v


Before update create a backup with binary and with configuration files

tar -Pzcf ~/astra-backup.tar.gz /usr/bin/astra /etc/astra

To extract backup launch next commands:

rm -f /usr/bin/astra
tar -Pxf ~/astra-backup.tar.gz

Install update:

rm -f /usr/bin/astra
curl -Lo /usr/bin/astra
chmod +x /usr/bin/astra

Restart Astra after update.

systemctl restart astra


Stop service and turn autorun off:

systemctl stop astra
systemctl disable astra

Remove service from the service manager:

astra remove

Remove binary file and configuration files:

rm -rf /usr/bin/astra /etc/astra
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